(klik link, tunggu 5 detik, lalu klik tulisan SKIP AD dipojok kanan atas)
Cara menggunakan DNS Jumper :
1. Download DNS Jumper
2. Ekstrak (keluarkan file dari zip) ke desktop atau Drive mana saja.
3. Jalankan DNS Jumper
4. Pilih Network card (sesuaikan dengan yang ada komputer anda)
5. Pilih DNS Service yang akan kita gunakan di menu dropdown.
6. Klik apply DNS.
7. Done.

notes: jangan menutup DNS Jumper saat sedang terkoneksi internet.
Cara mengembalikan ke DNS semula/Default

1. Klik “Quick configuration” (gambar BINTANG), lalu pilih apa yang ingin dilakukan and Pick Your Choice or
2. Klian bisa memilih “Restore” atau “Default” kemudian klik “Apply DNS”
Note: For IPv6 just tick the IPv6 checkbox
Selain itu, dengan menggunakan DNS Jumper
KITA juga bisa menggunakan mengecek DNS yang cepat untuk komputer/internet PUNYA KITA, dengan klik menu Fastest DNS.
Apa yang baru ?
01.[ Added ] – IP v6 support (The World’s First IPv6 DNS changer)
02.[ Fixed ] – On some x64 Windows systems DNSJumper does not run properly
03.[ Fixed ] – After Update , comes Dublicate entries
04.[ Fixed ] - You can ping only 99 DNS servers
05.[ Fixed ] – Antivirus “False Positive” Problems
06.[ Added ] – You can see your current Dns feature
07.[ Added ] – Improved Ping algorithm
08.[ Added ] – You can ping only selected Dns servers feature
09.[ Added ] – You can select or deselect all Dns servers easily (with right click) feature
10.[ Added ] – You can stop dns servers ping test feature
11.[ Added ] – Open network connections easily feature
12.[ Added ] – Find selected dns’s country feature
13.[ Added ] – You can create your own Dns server group or use one of the default
Groups feature
14.[ Added ] – Voice allert feature
15.[ Added ] – Clear the DNS cache Automatically feature
16.[ Added ] – Secure DNS Group
17.[ Added ] – Show the fastest DNS test results as Mixed Feture
(for example: first fastest dns ip “Google” and second one is “Open DNS”) if mixed Option not selected DNSJumper shows the the same organization’s DNS IPs (such as Google)
18.[ Added ] – Quick Configuration menu
19.[ Added ] – New Logo and icons
Supported operating systems:
Windows Xp , Windows Vista , Windows 7 , Windows 8 – (x86 & x64)
Supported languages:
English , Turkish , German , Swedish , Italian , Spanish , Portuguese-Brazil , Korean , Romanian , Chinese (Simplified) , Chinese (Traditional) , Arabic , Czech , Japanese
Sumber http://seputarco.blogspot.com/