How To Set Up Your Own Periscope App
Periscope is an American online live video stream app for both iOS and Android released by Kaylon Beyneprasch and Jannick Popp. It was previously acquired by Twitter before release in 2021. On December 15, 2021, Twitter said it will be discontinuing the application on March 31, 2021.
The Periscope app allows users to watch two different streams at the same time. As soon as you download the app, it starts collecting data from your existing Live Stories. In later versions of the app, additional modules will enable you to track your friends and followers, search for news, view YouTube videos, and listen to audio feeds. The data can be exported to Excel for future analysis. The second stream is the actual live video feed from your ponsel pandai camera.
Periscope App
Periscope's streaming platform is not limited to iOS devices, though. Google Android for example, also supports the Periscope App. However, the functionality offered by this app is much less than what is offered by the other apps. The reason for this discrepancy lies on the platform's limits.
As a result, this app does not support live streaming to the main audience. Only your own followers and targeted network of Facebook friends can enjoy the benefits of the application. Moreover, since the Periscope App does not offer any type of monetization, it serves no purpose other than allowing you to share useful content with your audience. You can easily accomplish this task through other apps.
Reaching out to your audience is quite simple, but making it easier for them to replay your content is one of the main challenges. In other platforms such as Android, Google Chrome and Safari, there is no requirement for the users to rewind and playback their recorded videos. With the Periscope App, they simply need to be ready to accept the latest news and updates.
The replay function is implemented in the Periscope App, which allows users to replay any video or channel they watched via this app. This will help them keep track of the channel they originally viewed. When a user watches a video, he/she may also want to rewind the broadcasted clip. This can be achieved by simply clicking on the "replay" icon located at the base of the browser. This allows the audience to watch the video again, without having to rewind the broadcasted clip.
Reaching out to your audience is quite simple, but making it easier for them to replay your content and view your updates is one of the challenges. In other platforms, you are required to enable live viewing and touch screen interaction. This creates obstacles for the audience to actively engage with the content they are following. The Periscope App is different because it takes a lot less effort for the viewer to be able to rewind and watch the previous part of your broadcasted clip.
By allowing viewers the option of being able to replay and touch the content they are following, you are not only ensuring that your audience gets a chance to learn and understand what is being said but also provides them the option to share your content with their friends. The Periscope App ensures that your audience is provided with the means to be able to interact with your live streams. This makes for an excellent business tool as well as a personal tool.
Once you have taken the time to create the app, it is best to go live on the Google Play Store to get it released. However, if you do not want to release it on the store to begin with, you can simply create the app and then take advantage of the trend marketing opportunities that it offers. Go over to the google play store's developer area and tap into the "App Store" link right next to the Periscope app icon. Clicking on it will take you to the go-live section where you will be able to select a platform. Once there, you can go ahead and download and install the app on your device.
With this in place, you are now ready to launch your app and ensure that your audience gets the chance to see what you have to say. Invite your audience to go live and join the channel. Invite them to share your Periscope broadcast with their friends. Allow them to view your live stream on their mobile devices to make sure that they do not miss any of your valuable content. Soon enough, you will begin to see your audience flock to your Periscope broadcasts.
This process is very similar to how you would use mobile devices to broadcast your own live broadcasts. You can even add music for your Periscope broadcast and add video to make your audience feel as if they are watching you in the real world. The key here is to take advantage of all of the tools that the internet provides you with today. Periscope apps are no different than apps that you would find on your phone or tablet. Make sure that you take the time to explore all of the options that you have before you commit to a service like this. If you truly want to increase your exposure and merk recognition, then the Periscope App is one of the most effectiv