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Telegram Use Without Vpn - Telegram Connecting Perkara Solve

 Telegram Use Without VPN - Telegram Connecting Problem Solve

Dear friends, in today's blog I have told you how you can solve your telegram connecting problem. And how can you use Telegram without VPN? Below you have to read the complete blog 

You see in the above picture where the problem of connecting is coming, you have to click on the button of connecting. After that look at the picture below, which will be presented in front of you above. 

See in the picture on friends, where you have to click on the button where it is written, then the page that opens next, see in the picture below 👇

Friends, see in the picture above, similarly you have to select everything, after that how you have to add proxy, proxy is written below, after adding it all, click on the right button to add your proxy. 

Server : =   digitalresistance.dog

Port: = 443

Secret Key: 👇 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e